Even if you’re a woman, you’ve probably gotten a lot ofcomputer spam trying to sell you the male impotence drugViagra. But it turns out most of this Viagra is fake, andPfizer, the company that makes the drug, wants to dosomething about it.
Pfizer is trying to stop websites from selling fake pillsand spammers from sending out messages offering the drug.They began the campaign after a survey showed that 25% ofpeople who received the spam though it was being sent out bythe drug company.
Most of the spammers are offering other drugs that theyclaim will have the same results. Since the patent forViagra is still running, these cannot be generic versions ofthe drug. Pfizer is suing websites for illegally using theword “Viagra” to sell these drugs, which probably don’t work.
The FBI?s Brian Lamkin says, “It’s often difficult forconsumers to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimateinternet ‘pharmacies.'”
If these fake blue pills do work, it’s probably a result ofthe placebo effect?meaning that if you think it works, itprobably will. Younger men, with no physical problems, donot need Viagra, so the fakes may work by giving theirconfidence a boost.
Not sure if you need the blue pill? Take the postage stamptest: Before bed, stick a strip from a roll of stamps aroundyour penis. If the roll is broken when you wake up, it meansyou had an erection during the night (most men do), so youdon’t need Viagra, you need psychological help.
Get your mind in the right place bygettingin the gap.
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